Mechanical Wrist Pain Relief

Proven, effective solutions for Mechanical Wrist Pain
If your wrist primarily hurts after specific activities, in certain ranges of motion, or at a specific time of day, these symptoms describe the classic case of mechanical wrist pain.
If your wrist hurts during or after certain activities, then we have a pain relief solution for you.
If you’ve been undergoing or self treating your wrist pain through strengthening exercises, and haven’t found relief from your pain, there’s probably a very real reason and a very real solution for you.
If you have Mechanical Wrist Pain, ACT NOW to locate and remedy the problem movement.
Dr. Tarek Adra takes you through what might be happening with your wrist if you’re suffering from Mechanical Wrist Pain.
Critical steps to finding relief from Mechanical Wrist Pain are :
- First, we need to interrupt that daily cycle of ongoing microtrauma. Below we teach you the the Microbreak, which you can use as a quick 30 second exercise you can use throughout your day.
- Evaluate how you sleep, move, use your phone/computer, and other movements, to find any potential pain triggers or obstacles to healing.
- Use targeted muscle releases before strengthening/corrective exercises to help you reach full-body optimization, so that no part of your body is overcompensating for another.
- Note: The muscles that correlate to our body posture are known as our “protective muscles,” and they are extremely strong. Muscle releases allow us to release those protective muscles first, so we can effectively strengthen the opposite pair of muscles and successfully rebalance our posture.
The Microbreak
One easy to use tool to use throughout your day is the Microbreak to interrupt that cycle of daily micro-trauma. Dr. Tarek Adra and Courtney Munch take you through the wrist microbreak in a video from our Wrist Mechanical Pain treatment program.
Fundamentals for Relieving Mechanical Wrist Pain
Our Fundamentals component provides you with a detailed checklist to help you figure out how, where, and when you might be impeding blood flow to your wrist. And because blood flow is critical to your healing, remedying these habits can help you make better progress, faster.
Here are some examples of things you’ll consider in Fundamentals:
- Do you sleep with bent wrists? If you do, this limits blood flow to your wrist each and every night.
- Do you put any weight or strain on your wrists as you type on a keyboard?
- Does your working posture involve closed-in arms that restrict blood flow to the shoulders? Something simple like creating space between your mouse and your keyboard might help open up the bloodflow to your wrists.
- Are you constantly carrying around a bag or purse in the crook of your arm, limiting bloodflow to your wrists?
- When you workout, do you regularly do exercises that require you to push your body weight into the base of your wrists?
- When you’re scrolling on your phone, is your hand or finger in a death-grip claw position putting strain on your wrist?
Believe it or not, all of these behaviors, as slight as they might seem, when added up over minutes, hours and days, will eventually cause mechanical pain in your wrist. Further, if you have some traumatic incident or accident that hurts your wrist, these daily behaviors will greatly limit your body’s ability to heal your wrist.
If you’ve figured out what might be happening in your day to day life to cause your wrist pain, and want more guidance on how to solve it, then our at-home Wrist Mechanical Pain Relief Program might be exactly what you need. Check it out here if you’d like.
Targeted Muscle Releases
If you have been undergoing a program that seeks to alleviate your wrist pain through strengthening exercises, but your pain isn’t going away, there’s a very real reason for this with a real solution ready for you.
Muscle groups in the arm and wrist work in pairs, and if one set of muscles aren’t taught to release first, then the set of muscles that need to be strengthened will literally be held back in their development.
This might be why you haven’t found relief in a generic physical therapy program you’ve found for your wrist pain. You can do all the strengthening exercises in the world but without first doing releases, they just won’t be effective.
In our Mechanical Wrist Pain treatment program, we first teach you to do muscle releases to release the hold certain muscle groups have over your wrist and arm, before we can strengthen the muscles in the arm that are underperforming.
An example of one of the most important muscle releases we do for the Wrist Mechanical Treatment Program, the forearm release, is below :
An example of an actual video from the Wrist Mechanical Pain treatment program, the Forearm Release.
You can try this at home right now with a tennis ball or other soft ball.
If you try this muscle release and find that it offers substantial pain relief and you want more, then feel free to check out our at-home Wrist Mechanical Pain Relief Program that continues the therapy through to more advanced releases and on to corrective / strengthening exercises.
Make Progress Towards Mechanical Wrist Pain Relief
If you tried some of the above and find that it can be really helpful, then please hop over to sign up for the Wrist Mechanical Treatment program. Following the program every day can get you significant pain relief in your wrist in as little as two weeks.
The Kinetix365 approach to pain relief hones in on the root cause, so you can achieve rapid relief while simultaneously ensuring sustainable healing. We’ve customized a plan for mechanical wrist pain, empowering you to break free from pain once and for all.
Take your first step towards a life free from the frustration of constant pain: begin our pain relief protocol today.
Helpful wrist pain relief links on our site