Nerve Wrist Pain / Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Proven, effective solutions for Wrist Nerve Pain and Carpal Tunnel conditions
If you have pain in your wrist that manifests as sharp, shooting pains, tingling, numbness, and/or sensations of heat or cold, then you’re all too likely suffering from a nerve wrist pain condition. What might not be so obvious is that there are actually 3 sets of nerves that run through the wrist, each requiring a different kind of mobilization exercise for pain relief.
In addition, each of these nerves runs from the neck, down the length of the arm and through the wrist. So even if your zinging pain is manifesting itself in the wrist, the nerve could be trapped anywhere along the arm.
The good news is that you’ve found a great first stop on these pages in finding relief from your nerve wrist pain / carpal tunnel pain.
Here we’ll go through the most effective treatments for Wrist Nerve Pain : Mobilizations / Flosses and Supplements; and we’ll describe further steps you can take to look at and change the possible underlying causes of Wrist Nerve Pain.
Most importantly, if you have Nerve Pain, and if you haven’t tried nerve flosses / mobilizations and supplements, STOP the stretches and DO NOT plan for surgery just yet.
Dr. Tarek Adra takes you through Wrist Nerve Pain, what might be going on in wrist and how to find effective pain relief.
Your key priorities are to:
- Use specialized, nerve-specific mobilizations ( or “flosses”), to help free the “stuck” nerve(s).
- Take supplements that support effective recovery of the slow-to-heal nerves.
Nerve Mobilizations
Instead of stretches, you’re going to use “flosses” to help nerve pain:
- Because nerves run the entire length of your arm, pain in your wrist can easily indicate a stuck nerve anywhere in your arm.
- This makes it necessary to mobilize the entire nerve, not just the portion located at your wrist.
- Additionally, there are three major nerves in the wrist area – the median nerve, the radial nerve, and the ulnar nerve – and we’re going to teach you how to identify which nerve is causing your pain.
You can see from the above, not only are mobilizations essential for nerve pain relief, there are three separate flosses for each of the three major nerves that serve the wrist and hand. This is one reason why generic plans don’t work for nerve issues.
Depending on what pain relief methods you’ve tried, you may have been told that stretching – or even surgery – is the answer. However, if you haven’t yet tried nerve flossing/mobilizations, we encourage you to try our pain protocol before going forward with anything else.
The best brace we’ve found for carpal tunnel pain
If you don’t yet have a brace for your carpal tunnel pain, we can’t recommend enough these braces. The brace encourages your wrist to turn out and extend, opening up the carpal tunnel while you sleep.
Available for left or right hands, or both, for 6 week or yearly treatment programs.
myKinetix365 does not receive any promotional consideration for this recommendation.
Supplements for Nerve Pain in the Wrist
Nerves are notoriously slow to heal, so supplements are an invaluable tool for your recovery process.
- Omega3 Fish Oil: Helps heal the nerve sheath the surrounds and protects the nerve (Note: throw out any fish oil that is older than 3 months)
- Lipoic Acid: The best supplement to create more blood flow to the nerves to stimulate healing
- Methylated B Complex: A specially formulated combination of Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12 to stabilize the speed at which your nerves are firing. Methylated for optimal absorption
- Chelated Magnesium: Calms your nervous system at night to reduce symptoms and help you enjoy restful, restorative sleep
If you already have Nerve Supplements, the above video will help you confirm dosages and sourcing. Especially with the Chelated Magnesium, with so many Magnesium products of all different types and dosages, Magnesium for Nerve healing requires such high dosages, that it is essential that it be Chelated to avoid bowel irritability.
If you’d like to purchase nerve pain relief supplements from us, follow the links below.
Nerve Pain KinetiKit supplement bundle
Get Wrist Nerve Pain Relief Starting Today
If you’ve found the mobilizations above useful, and want to take your healing a few steps further, then please sign up for our At-Home Wrist Nerve Pain Treatment Plan.
There we take you through the Fundamentals : those day to day habits that are probably the underlying root causes of your Wrist Nerve Pain in the first place.
Then, we take you through release, and then corrective / strengthening exercises to restore the natural balance and functionality of your wrists and arms.
Sign up to our Wrist Nerve At Home Treatment plan and you should see significant relief from your Nerve Wrist Pain / Carpal Tunnel Pain in 3 – 4 weeks
Stop living with the stress and frustration of pain – especially when you can do something about it right now. Get started with our pain relief protocol for inflammation-related pain today.
Helpful wrist pain relief links on our site