Wrist Pain and Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

MyKinetix365: Your one-stop source for proven effective relief for wrist and carpal tunnel pain.
- Is your daily life affected by ongoing wrist pain or carpal tunnel symptoms?
- Have you tried stretches, braces, icing, massages and nothing seems to help ?
- With all the conflicting information online, are you having trouble figuring out what will really help your wrist pain short of surgery?
You’ve come to the right place!
On these pages, we have compiled the essential information that we’ve found to be highly effective in providing wrist pain relief for our patients in decades of practice in our clinic in Beverly Hills.
If you:
- Are ready to finally resolve your long-term wrist pain
- Are dealing with a wrist injury that simply isn’t getting better
- Are not achieving results with your current wrist pain treatment plan
… Then read on to start your journey towards pain relief!
All wrist pain is not the same.
First of all, it’s important to know that not all pain is the same. Different types of wrist pain require different types of treatment.
Inflammation pain is different than nerve pain is different than pain from a mechanical condition. Each pain type requires a different pain relief solution.
This is why you might have been doing generic stretches or exercises that don’t take into account your specific type of pain, and your wrists getting better. Generic solutions for wrist pain won’t provide optimal results and can actually end up causing more harm than good.
For example, generic stretching of your wrist might provide temporary relief. In the long run though, that stretch could be causing more damage to your wrist if you’re suffering from an inflammatory or a nerve condition. Specific movements like active rest for inflammation conditions and nerve mobilizations / flosses for nerve conditions are what’s needed for those entirely different types of pain.
Luckily, for the vast of majority of people that come into our clinic, we’ve found that figuring out your specific type of wrist pain, and then pairing you with a streamlined treatment plan, is usually really straightforward.
Before we can pinpoint your specific pain type, it’s important to rule out a few conditions.
First, rule out bone fractures or muscle/ligament tears.
Certain wrist injuries require diagnosis and treatment from a medical professional and should not be self-treated.
If you had a recent accident or fall and you are experiencing significant pain or swelling in your wrist (with no improvement), it’s possible you have a fracture or a tear. In this case, please see a medical professional before attempting any self-treatment as trying to exercise or stretch on a fracture or a tear could cause further complications.
Address any concerns of autoimmune disease.
Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, which can involve the body’s immune system attacking the joints/muscles, are best handled by a licensed medical professional. If you suspect you may be suffering from an autoimmune disease, please see your doctor before implementing any self-treatment solutions.
Now, let’s determine the type of wrist pain you have.
Watch the video below to learn about the three primary types of wrist and carpal tunnel pain.
If you can rule out the above medical conditions, then the next step is to determine the type of pain in your wrists. This is extremely important, because each type of pain has a different pathway to pain relief.
In the following video, Dr. Tarek Adra walks you through the different types of wrist and carpal tunnel pain.
If one of the pain conditions Dr. Adra describes sounds familiar, feel free to skip directly to our pages for each specific type of wrist or carpal tunnel pain.
Wrist Inflammation Pain Relief Page
Wrist Nerve Pain Relief Page
Mechanical Wrist Pain Relief Page
Or, continue reading for a more detailed evaluation of your potential wrist pain type.
Answer a few questions to identify the type of wrist pain you are suffering from.
Answer yes or no to the following questions:
1. Do you have wrist pain in all ranges of motion ?
2. Does your wrist(s) hurt all the time ?
If you answered yes to either or both of these questions, then your wrists are likely in an inflammatory state.
Inflammatory Wrist Pain
Here are a few key things to know about wrist pain caused by inflammation:
- Stop exercising your wrist and focus on first reducing the inflammation. Exercising a wrist in an inflammatory state can create more damage.
- Use the BRICE technique: Brace the wrist, practice active Rest, and use Ice as needed. ( Details on the BRICE method is on our Wrist Inflammation page )
- Incorporate supplements to help reduce inflammation, using our curated list of proven supplements for reducing inflammation.
- Visit our Wrist Inflammation page, where we cover a recovery plan in detail, including:
- How do I use a brace for wrist pain?
- Which braces are best for wrist pain?
- What is active rest?
- How long should I ice my wrist?
- Which supplements help reduce inflammation?
Wrist Inflammation Pain Relief
If this you answered no to the questions above, or are unsure, please continue on to the next set of questions.
3. Do you have tingling and/or numbness in your wrist ?
4. Do you sometimes get sudden sharp or shooting pain, especially during specific activities?
If you answered yes to either or both of these questions, then you are experiencing the classic signs of wrist pain related to a nerve condition.
Nerve Wrist Pain
Key facts about wrist nerve pain / carpal tunnel pain :
- The most likely cause of your pain is an entrapped nerve, somewhere along the length of your arm.
- Most importantly, stop stretching, because nerves do not like to be stretched. Also, skip the massages, theragunning, and rubbing, because nerves don’t like to be compressed either.
- Because the nerves run from the neck, through the length of the arm, through the wrist to the hand, just because you feel the pain in your wrist, doesn’t mean that the nerve is entrapped at the wrist.
- Utilize flosses, not stretches. Instead of stretching, one of the most effective things you can do for a wrist nerve condition is a “floss,” or nerve mobilization. If you’ve been self-treating or are in a generic program for pain without nerve mobilizations/flosses, then you are missing a critical component for proven, effective relief for wrist nerve pain.
- On the myKinetix365 Wrist Nerve Pain page, we go through how to determine which of the three nerves is causing you pain, and then which of the three highly effective nerve flosses you should be doing. Yes, there are three entirely different nerve flosses. If you’ve been doing a stretch or a floss without first determining which of the three nerves run through the wrist, you might be doing the wrong exercise.
- Consider pausing before jumping ahead to surgery. Without addressing the underlying causes for the condition, surgery may only provide temporary relief. If this is the case, you could find yourself dealing with the same pain condition in a few months post-surgery.
- Go to our Wrist Nerve Pain/Carpal Pain Relief page, where we’ll teach you about flosses and what supplements are ideal for nerve pain.
Wrist Nerve Pain/Carpal Pain Relief
If you answered no to the questions above, or are unsure, please continue with the next set of questions:
5. Does your wrist hurt only in one or two specific ranges of movement?
6. Does your wrist hurt more in the morning and then improve throughout the day?
7. Does your wrist hurt only with certain activities, or mostly at the end of the day?
Answering yes to any of these questions may indicate that you are experiencing a mechanical pain in your wrists.
Mechanical Wrist Pain
Here are a few things to understand about mechanical pain in the wrists:
- Mechanical pain means that something about how you are moving or completing an activity, or even the way you are sleeping or sitting, is likely to blame for your wrist pain.
- Check out our Mechanical Wrist Pain Relief page to find out about Fundamentals, which are the everyday habits that can create wrist pain, including the way we sleep and work. There, you’ll also learn about the “Microbreak” and how to use that exercise to interrupt and halt the daily cycle of injury.
Mechanical Wrist Pain Relief Page
Does your pain not fit into any of these categories?
If you answered no to the above questions, or had a difficult time answering the questions, your pain might fall into the category of Central Sensitization Pain.
If you suffer from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, or other chronic conditions, then there are solutions for you. Unfortunately, these solutions are typically most effective when they go beyond at-home programs. However, you can still benefit from our Fundamentals strategies, breathing exercises, light cardio, and supplements for adrenal and mitochondrial support.
Ultimately, the most important thing is to not give up hope. There are solutions out there for you, though what you may need may be beyond what an online program may be able to offer. In this case, you will best be supported by talking to a clinician that can address your specific situation. Feel free to call the Kinetix365 clinic at 310-559-0299.
Take action to conquer your pain now
Regardless of how long you’ve been suffering from pain, it’s too long. In the past, you may have thought that pain medications, time-consuming clinical care, or difficult exercise plans were your only options. But now, you know that there’s a better solution.
Kinetix365 has tapped into years of clinical expertise to develop a smarter way to reduce wrist pain, using a simple, at-home self-care protocol that is tailored to your pain type and source.
Our motto has always been “maximum results, minimum dosage,” which essentially translates into helping you achieve the best-possible outcome with the least amount of time and effort.
Because we’re so confident in our pain relief plan, we’re offering a free three-day trial period to help you get started. Take back your life with your self-care pain relief protocol now.
The myKinetix365 At-Home Wrist Treatment Plans
Wrist Inflammation Pain Relief Treatment Plan
Wrist Nerve / Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Treatment Plan
Wrist Mechanical Pain Relief Treatment Plan
Helpful Wrist Pain Relief Resources